
91大神Water Technologies & Solutions

RO-EDI Water Treatment Systems

Simplify operations with high purity results by combining RO with EDI

The PRO E-Cell Series is designed for ultrapure makeup water used in combined cycle gas turbine power systems and steam turbines. Other applications include use with boiler feedwater and for the replacement of aging ion exchange systems.

Combining a PRO Series reverse osmosis (RO) system and an E-Cell electrodeionization (EDI) system, the PRO E-Cell Series is built on a single skid with one controller. This design offers customers installation simplicity, ease of operation, and up to a 40% smaller footprint,

PRO E-Cell Features

  • Reduces total cost of installation versus separate RO and EDI systems
  • Provides up to 40% smaller footprints compared to individual RO and EDI technologies
  • Simplifies installation with less piping and electrical connections
  • Integrates control system to further reduce the technical skill and time required for installation and commissioning
  • Provides enhanced system reliability, faster delivery, expert service and technical support
  • Provides a single-source supplier of RO membrane elements, E-Cell EDI stacks, and complete system components
  • Alleviates bulk acid and caustic environment, health & safety concerns regarding when replacing an aging ion exchange systems